Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We officially have 32 days of actual school left and I can not wait. It has been a difficult year for both of us and the time off will be welcomed!
I treated myself to a massage last week and saw a Chiropractor a few times this week, hoping for some relief. I have to say, the massage was well worth it and will be treating myself to one every two weeks for a while! I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone! It seems the bones in my neck are not working in concert with one another--thus the pounding and pain in my neck and head for the past 4 months! The story keeps on keeping on....
I had a cranial/sacral massage as well, that was very interesting. I slept for 1 1/2 hours after. I was trying to watch conference but kept drifting off. What better way to sleep than with conference playing in the back ground!!!