Thursday, October 23, 2008

Did I really do that?

Jake and Kelsey at Antelope Canyon

Todd and I went to St. George Saturday to see the new baby!
What a cute little guy. I forgot how small babies are. Unfortunately, we could not stay long and could not see everyone--sorry Stanford's and Gibb's. The minute we got home, the phone rang. It was one of the counselors in the Relief Society saying how much she missed me at Church. (Yeah, right!!)
I said, "Thanks" and explained that we had just returned from seeing the new baby. She then told me it was alright, she managed to give my lesson, any way! How embarassing! With General Confererence being the first Sunday, I just assumed everything was pushed back a week. Boy, was I wrong. While on the phone, I looked at my schedule and very stupidly said "I don't give the lesson until the 19th!"
Oh, yeah, Sunday was the 19th!!!! Maybe I won't go back for awhile so they can forget how dumb I am! (I really did not want to give that lesson anyway!)

We've had so much fun having Jacob home for the past month. In case you have not heard, he is getting ready for Q SCHOOL!!!! He qualified in the pre-qualifier in September, and begins the different stages next Wednesday. If he makes the first two tournaments, he will get his Nationwide Card, if he makes all three tournaments, he will officially get his PGA touring card!!!
It is a very exciting time for him and us. His dad will be his caddy!
They leave this Sunday for northern California. Keep good thoughts going his way! More on that next week!
His girlfriend, Kelsey, came from Scottsdale for a short visit on Monday. They went to Antelope Canyon (Skinny Caves) for a tour and took these awesome pictures.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

"Home Sweet Home"

Todd and I were riding around town one day (yeah, we do that!) and he drove by 19/25 South Navajo Drive. It is just too weird to go by there and not have someone in the family living there.

Pastor Mannie has kept it up pretty well. He will invite me over sometimes, just to see the changes he and his family have made inside. He has made a few changes, but it is pretty much the way mom and dad had it.

It still looks familiar from this point-of-view. But...................................

YES, this is our old house. Can you believe it!!! I get sick whenever we drive by. It gets worse and worse all the time. I just don't have the same feeling I used to get when I drive by there. Our lives are so far removed from growing up in that house and to see it in this condition makes me so sad. In some ways I guess it is true, "you can't go home again".

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Slow Going!

I've spent hours trying to figure this blogging out! I guess I'm going to have to call one of you for help. I want it all to come so easy to me, but as computers go, THEY HATE ME!
So, I used chicken manure this year on the advice of good ole' Boston's True Value. Little did I know that chicken manure will cause tomato plants become the Tomato Plants from Hell! They have overgrown, and outgrown the cages and are now creeping along the ground toward the house. I'm afraid some morning I will wake up with tomato plants growing inside the house.
We are now getting a bunch of tomatoes. I have made pasta sauce and Tracy's salsa. Funny thing, our home teacher brought us tomatoes on Friday-Thanks Wayne Gustaveson! Then the Saturday, Reba Jones brought over a bag of tomatoes! I have tomatoes coming out of my ears. I thought Mormons only gave away zucchini!! I'd love some Z right now, anyone want to trade tomatoes for Z??? Dad would be proud.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ok, so I've decided to join everyone else in the family and start a blog. I don't know if I will have a lot of time to devote to this, but I'll give it a try. Don't look for anything too great at the beginning, I'm still trying to figure this new laptop out! Pictures??? Well, maybe sometime soon.

I just spent three days in Scottsdale with Tyler. We had a really good time. He took me to The Keg for my birthday dinner, boy was it GOOD!!! Best steak and prime rib ever. I went to a three day conference/training for the Teacher Cadet program I teach. It was actually a really good use of my time. I learned a lot. I have two more to go and I will be a state trainer for the program! I am not sure if that is a good thing or not, but will see.

This picture was taken a couple of weekends ago. We were eating at our local Mexican restaurant and Todd discovered that the chip he had just dipping in salsa was in the shape of our great state! We took this picture and the Daily Sun in Flagstaff ran it on the FRONT PAGE! He was hoping someone would offer us some $$$$ for it.