Christmas is over. But, it was fun having the boys home for a few days. I miss the days when we all lived in Page and had Christmas Eve together--playing games, drive-by foodings, eating and loving family. It was quiet here.
Jake and Ty kept me laughing. The nerf fight was great.
We had to put Ryan down on the 31st of January. She was so sick. She could not walk very far or stand for very long. She had trouble breathing. It was hard to do. But, we buried her across the fairway from Bogey at the old golf course. She has a very nice spot. I even made a headstone for her. She will be missed.
I took this picture today, February 6th, as we walked around the old golf course. This is just across from where we buried Ryan. I had no idea we were this close to the canyon. It is beautiful.
This is the ruin the city let the old course become. It just makes me sick.
We have Patsy staying with us during the week. She landed a job at the high school teaching Culinary Arts. She has been a bit overwhelmed as she was thrown into the fire with no training. It is a temporary job, until the end of the year, but could become permanent if she wants to go through the whole certification process. So far, she has done a fantastic job. The Culinary teacher quit just after Christmas and left my department in a real bind. I have been doing double duty, so it is good to have Patsy here to help.
Todd is so busy at the elementary school, he is counting the days to retirement. He still has 5 years to go. He is so sick of screwed up 1st graders. If parents would just do their job! It is scary to see what has become of our country's children.
That is all folks!