Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June Ramblings...

I've wanted to change this blog, but just can't seem to work up the energy.
We are 2 weeks out of school and it has taken that long to get into our "down time".  We've been sleeping in until 8:30 every morning and NO ALARM CLOCKS ALLOWED!!!  Last summer I installed thermal-type room darkening curtains in our room and it darkens our room nicely.  Arizona does not go on day light saving so Mr. Sun shines in our room at 4:30 AM and the birds start their noise about 3:30 AM.  So, with the room darkening curtains and a fan at top speed, we don't hear or see a thing!
 This week decided to hoover around 102 degrees, talk about miserable! Not ready for summer heat yet.
We've hosted and will yet host lots of family so far.  We had Paul and Deanne for one night at the end of May.  Daniel and Fiti came over for the day, and then Daniel got a job here and has been training and staying with us. 
Patsy and Tracy came this past weekend for her birthday.  We went to Antelope Point and played in the water, played hours of Wii and had a great BBQ with birthday cake.  It was so fun.

"What about the birthday girl?" Patsy, talking to our friend Joel on her big day!

Our friends, the Wardles, will arrive tomorrow for one night and come back for a few more next week.  The annual All Nighter is coming up with JP and family coming and anyone else that wants to.  Always a fun time. (If you like staying up all night playing softball or watching the old gang play.  We last until about midnight.)
We are heading to Minnesota to visit Todd's family June 24th.  Should be a nice time.
If anyone needs any lake time, come see us!


The Stinsons KC Rob and Patiance said...

I wish I would have known, I would have come up for Patsys bday:(

Mary said...

sounds like you have a busy summer planned...wish we could see you!