Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holiday Fun!

Well, Christmas has come and gone and here we are in a New Year-2009!

We had a lot of fun with the boys all home. Little did I know they were growing beards! Jake and Tyler had a pact with our good friend (semi-son) Phil that they would not shave until after Christmas. Boy, they all looked scruffy, but cute.

Christmas was great just hanging out and visiting. It threatened to snow every day Jake and Ty were here but it did not. It was plenty cold, though.

Christmas Day brought JP, Shelly, and boys. So, we really had a house full but, I loved it. It was the best. Jack is saying the funniest things, always wanting Todd to play. Todd spent an entire day watching cartoons with him! Todd is a new fan of Phineas and Ferb (???) he says, "it's really clever". I think he likes the music!

JP got in a bit of basketball the couple of nights he was here. Seems a tradition to play basketball or golf on holidays around here!

JP and Kevin just before Christmas Night basketball at the Stake Center!

Nothing like a little side-yard hoops! It was really cold that night, but who knew?

And then there was golf! Jake and Ty had a lot of golf time with dad.
It was a good time. Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is that the same "side hoop" that I used to dominate on? How much did Ty have to lower in in order to dunk?

Good Times, miss you guys!