Jenny tagged me once, and I did not know what that meant. Thanks to Jill, I just now found out what that means, AND she tagged me! If you don't already know, I minored in Psychology in College and ended up taking MANY self-evaluation Psych tests and I scored right down the middle of all of them. My point is, I'm just plain and boring!!!!
So, I will attempt Jill's tag:
10 things I love:1. Jake
2. Tyler
3. Todd
4. JP, Shelly, Jack, Ryan, Jenny, Jon, Tilly, Cricket, Dewey, Katie, Asha, Sage,Zaya, etc. (All my family! Brothers/Sisters/neices/nephews, etc.....FAMILY
5. Pastrami Burgers
6. That I taught all the Barber kids the business!!!! and to eat creatively (PNut Butter-Pastrami Burgers? Come on Scott!!!!
7. My little comfy house.
8. My Trailblazer
9. My nightly bath
10. My bed
10 Things I hate:1. NCLB
2. Lazy people
3. Unkept yards
4. Barking dogs
5. Cats
6. Cancer, high blood pressure, and any sickness
7. Having to actually buy KFC
8. Having to actually buy Pastrami Burgers
9. Kids who spit in the halls at school-for reals! happened right in front of me!
10. Boring Sacrament Meetings.
10 Random Thoughts:1. I got robbed at gun point in So. Cal-Dang gangs.
2. I take a warm bath every night.
3. I still wish my college roommate happy birthday every year-going on 35 yrs. now.
4. I like to watch TV in my PJ's-just like Margie!
5. I can't see the dust on my furniture any more-just like Margie!
6. I HATE to cook dinner, even though I'm a Culinary Arts Teacher!
7. Todd and I got DISH for Christmas and love it! (I always hated TV before satellite)
8. I watch Bromance and The City. Brody is MUCH better looking than his dad ever was.
9. Grandma Rosalie (Zufelt)'thinks I'm her daughter and calls me on occasion! She always calls on April 21st to wish JP happy birthday-----
10. My mind just went blank---I'M ON DRUGS!!!!!
There you have it. So, I guess I'm supposed to tag someone but, most of you have already been tagged! So, let's try for Mark/Erin, Shelly/JP, Jenny/Jon!!!!!