Friday, May 29, 2009

Mystery Illness Update

Saturday afternoon, Tyler and his girlfriend Dionna came to spend the long weekend with us. It was nice to have them here and to cook dinner for us! We did not take any pictures with our camera, however. I love having my boys come home and hate to see them leave. But, work and life calls.

I got the stints taken out of my nostrils on Wednesday in Flagstaff. That was amazing how large they were. I had instant relief from congestion. I have since been feeling a bit better each day. We go back on Wednesday to take the packing out which will be a bit more intense. He will have to numb my nostrils and dig way up there to get them out, but that is when my sinuses will begin to really heal and hopefully work. I still have a lot of pressure and headaches and can only take Advil and apply ice. The doctor said that should go away after the packing is removed. I still have a few of the other "mystery" symptoms, but all in all, am feeling more like Dana every day with the exception of the fatigue. As most of you know, it is really hard for me to sit still and just rest.

We bought a new hammock for the back yard as our old one was unraveling. I spent all yesterday afternoon reading, napping and relaxing in it. I felt so much better when I finally got up.

Thank you everyone who has called and prayed. Keep it up. I want to be 100% sooner than later. Love you all.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Rain and Post-Surgery

  1. After almost 3 months without rain, the heavens opened up and poured down upon us Friday morning.. I lay in bed with the window open listening to it rain heavily for over an hour plus. It was amazing. (Reminded me of when I was a little girl and it rained that hard and the gutters could not handle it. The water began to rise up the front yard of our house on Navajo Dr. )
    Anyway, there were road closures and mud all over town. It was exciting. Our lawn has never looked better! Todd's school was flooded. True Value said they almost ran out of mops and buckets. We've had way above average temperatures. We went from using the heater one week to the A/C the next! The rain has cooled everything off and I hope it stays that way for a while!
    This picture is on Coppermine road just after the Haul road turn off-the road that goes to the ballfields. Highway 98, between Big Lake Trading Post and the NGS Plant was closed as well.

Well, as most of you know, I survived surgery. It has been difficult. I hate being in bed and this has knocked me a good one. Wednesday night after the surgery and full of drugs, I could not sleep. It was most miserable. I quit taking the pain meds and have done fine on Tylenol. Thursday, the expected congestion set in and I have to breathe through my mouth which is annoying and gross, not to mention the snoring. I can not blow my nose, either.
I was able to get up and move around the house this morning--cleaning up and I even put a pot of stew on. Todd took me for my first major outing-shopping at Safeway. By the time I got home, it was back to bed and the ice bags.

Now, I don't want to sound bitchy, BUT allow me please to get this off my chest. Many years ago the Stake split our wards and we were put in the Page 5th Ward. It has been an interesting experience. It is the old Page 2nd Ward with all the old timers. I really feel the only person in the Ward that cares about us is our home teacher, Wayne Gustaveson. He is wonderful and is the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. He has given me several blessings since all this illness began. I know he cares and would do anything for Todd and me. But, the Relief Society could care less. They all knew I was having surgery and not one call, one loaf of bread or even a plate of cookies has appeared. Poor Todd has gone downtown for lunch and dinner take out every night and as most of you know, we don't have that many good places to eat in Page, AZ. Funny thing is, they don't hesitate to call me to take a meal or something into someone else. It just bugs. I remember the old days of Page, the house would be full of food from anyone and everyone when mom would get sick and we owned the KFC! People looked out for one another and comforted one another. I have a friend from the Episcopal Church ask if we needed meals brought in. Course, I told him, No, since I figured our RS would come through. OK, that said, I'll still go to Church, sit on the back row and be anonymous-fine with me.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Margie Re-Visited

Todd and I always sit on the very back row in church--you know the one--it's the one at the very back of the Chapel back up against the divider between the Chapel and the gym. Sitting on the last row of pews on the left side of the Chapel was Sister Ann Jourdain and Rose/Verle Palmer. In the middle of the high council speaker, a little native child began to SCREAM at the top of his lungs. This went on for a long time and the parent did nothing to soothe or stop the screaming. We were getting quite irritated when all of sudden Ann Jourdain stood up, bent over two rows of pews and said something to the "care taker" of the screaming child. The "care taker" took the screaming child out! I laughed inside! When services were over, I told Sister Jourdain, "Thank you"! She looked at me, smiled and said, "your mother used to do that". I laughed and said, "she sure did".
I was always so embarrassed when my mom would quiet someone in Church but now I appreciate someone standing up for what is proper in Church etiquette and what is right! Thanks, Ann!
Two more days until my surgery, I'll be so glad when this is finally behind me. I'm so tired of feeling sick! Please keep your prayers coming this way.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Well, we finally got a Saturday when the wind was not blowing
so we were able to hang the cute lights JP and Shelly gave us for
Christmas. I love them! They make the patio look so festive!

This peonie was the only bloom I got this year. When they bloom, it reminds me of MOM. This planter was hers and the flowers in it just come up naturally every year. She loved the peonies as they reminded her of Grandma. Now, every year I get to be reminded of both my Mom and Grandma--so appropriate around Mother's Day. I miss both of them very much. Seems the older I get, the more I miss my mommy! Happy Mother's Day to all my sisters, neices, and friends. I love you all!

Well, after 5 long months of HELL/Misery I will be having sinus surgery on May 20th. Who knew? Very long story short, after seeing our "Doctor" and three specialists it was discovered that my sinuses literally "blew up"! The Cardiologist and Endocrinologist I saw both feel this is what my "problem" has been all along. Hopefully, when it is over, I can get off the high blood pressure meds-they are truly aweful.
People have told me my ENT is the best. He told me I had a deviated septum as well--(maybe from a little baseball accident when I was a little girl, Wally????) So, I sort of get a nose job in the process--only my nose won't look any different.
All I ask is for relief and your prayers. The 20th is the soonest opening he had and it falls on our last week of school--finals week. So, I won't be there to see all my little darlings off to summer break. I hate making sub plans but this will be easy. For my final this year, I am giving a mandatory CTE survey. Once the survey is over, I'll leave a movie or game to play. Easy enough, but what do I care? Then I will have to go into work when I feel better to input and verify my grades. The ENT said I will be down a couple of days, but I have to go back once a week for three weeks to get stints and bandages removed, etc...OUCH! I told him to just give me DRUGS!